Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Arsehole Register

I reckon we've all been there - we see an article on the TV news or read about it online or, heaven forbid, in a newspaper about someone who's done something unutterable stupid or just plan socially unacceptable, and we think "what an arsehole*".

Like the woman who wouldn't move her pushchair to let a disabled person onto a bus; anyone who mistreats an animal for fun; the guy who killed a pedestrian while riding his brakeless bike through London; or the latest belief-defying gem, in which some complete git deliberately runs down a teacher in order to drop his kid off at school (setting a superb example to the younger generation)... see the article here on the BBC news website, or just watch it below...

Why do they behave this way?  Is it that the punishments aren't a deterrent, or that they simply haven't learned the difference between right and wrong, or have, and don't care anyway? Is this rot stoppable?

These people are all, to some extent, a waste of skin but (and I understand why) my occasionally muttered comment "why don't we just execute them and improve society" is considered extreme; at least it is while the UK is fortunate not to have its own version of "Alternative fur Deutschland". And yet, we wouldn't want much to do with them, would we? So how do we avoid them, when they are walking around among us?  Branding/Tattooing them with a big "A" on the forehead is also most likely to be considered a step too far and my own personal favourite of making them wear hats adorned with facsimile dog turds is likely to be hard to enforce in the UK. This is a shame, because in the US we find that many dangerous morons are happy to identify themselves by wearing a red chinese-made baseball cap with "make America great again" written on it...

But how about this - we have a list, publicly accessible via the internet or in the small handful of public libraries left of anyone who is a proven menace and folks, like this, who fit that description, are forced to sign to on a regular basis, so that we all know where they are.

Just a thought.

* shithead, numpty, dickhead, fuckwit, idiot, wanker - take your pick, really...